- Dec 14th, 2010 - CD1 of my LMP. Completely messed up cycle, hadn't ovulated by day 30. Suspect that I O'ed on CD31, which is consistent with my dates.
- January 25th, 2011 - found out I'm pregnant!
- Feb 3rd, 2011 - first u/s, too early to show anything. Big fiasco, see here and here.
- Feb 11th - first midwife appointment at 6w2d
- Feb 23rd - dating ultrasound, measuring right on track at 8w0d, with a heartbeat of 162 bpm!
- Mar 23rd - 12-week NT scan, baby looks like a baby! Measuring on track at 12w0d, hb of 153bpm
- Mid May - anatomy scan and the Great Gender Reveal
- October 5th, 2011 - due date!
Bloodwork Results
- January 29th - HCG = 179, 17dpo (4w3d)
- January 31st - Progesterone = 38, estrogen = 534
- February 3rd - HCG =2770, 22dpo (5w1d)
- February 5th - HCG = 6122, 24dpo (5w3d)
Test Pictures
The test that told me I'm pregnant with #2! It's faint, but it's there. Taken on 13dpo. |
It took a little convincing, and lots of reassurance. I love seeing that line get darker. The last test was taken on about 4w4d. |
Still shocked and scared like crazy, but it's mingling with more and more happiness! |
Ultrasound Photos
12-week NT scan. Baby measuring 12w0d (exactly on track) with a heartbeat of 153bpm. NT fold measuring 0.85. |
Belly Photos